Friday, 18/10/2024 | 5:20 UTC+0

A Few Things Every IPhone Owner Should Know

Accessing and building your social network is easier than ever with an iPhone. However, this functionality still eludes many. Don’t worry; if you do not know how to get social media on your phone, or any number of other things, this article can help you.

When you have an iPhone, you do not need to worry anymore about getting lost. You will be able to see your location with the map feature anytime you are in a service area. Using the maps feature of your iPhone will simplify your navigation to different places you’re going and can help you avoid becoming lost in unfamiliar locations.

If your iPhone has accidentally gotten wet, rice can be used to help it dry. Phones are commonly dropped in water from puddles or toilets. If this happens, use a soft towel to dry your iPhone and place it in a bowl of rice. Then dry it out overnight, or at the bare minimum for several hours.

Siri has the ability to set reminders based on location. No longer do you need to give Siri a time to remind you of a specific task. It will call you when you get home. Siri will provide you the reminder when you arrive home. That way, you get your reminder no matter what time you get home.

Make navigation easier with your iPhone. The map application should help you find directions to go anywhere as well as find a gas station, a restaurant or a store in an area you are not familiar with. This can also be bookmarked so that you can go back to the spot that you were at.

Are you sick of the constnt notifications you receive on your iPhone? You can shut them off by following these steps. Go to your notifications center under the “Settings” button. Check out the apps in the “Notification Center” and delete any unwanted apps. This will also help your battery last longer.

You may be wanting to add an accented or umlauted letters but are not sure how. Here’s how. Touch the letter you want to change, and hold it for a bit. When you hold down a letter key on your iPhone, you should see an options box that will include several additional ways you can type a specific letter. You can type some fancy letters as much as you want!

Working with and taking photos on the iPhone is a great feature and something most people use to their advantage. After some substantial photography sessions, however; it could be hard sorting through all the pictures in the Camera Roll. Use the iPhone’s built-in album feature to keep your photos organized and easy to find. This can save you a lot of time when you are looking for a specific picture.

When attempting to write notes or emails and you don’t want to be bothered by suggestions, you don’t need to tap X to get rid of suggestions. Just tap the screen at any area and the words will be eliminated.

As soon as all your social media accounts are linked to your iPhone, you will feel a bit more at ease. It is an easy way to stay connected to your family and friends all of the time. Utilize the information found in this article to fully use your iPhone.

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